
class B {
    int k = 900;
    static int f = 180;

interface X {
    int l = 658;

class A {
    int i=100;
    static int j=200;
//Inner class supoorts Interfaces
//InnerClass Supports Inheritance but only one class and one interface
//Innerclass supports Accespecifiers(private,public,default,protected)
    private    class Inner extends B implements X {
    //Static varibles and methods we cannot declare inside the non-Static innerclass but if u declare final keyword before static varibles and methods we can declare inside the non-Static innerclass
    //Non-Static varibles and methods and Static varibles and methods of outer class we can access Directly from non-Static innerclass
        final static int m = 600;
        void funIn() {
            System.out.println("inside funin");
    }//non-static innerclass

    void funOu() {
//here we can create object innerclass directly
        Inner d=new Inner();

    }//Outerclass methods
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //We cannot create object of innerclass Directly for eg: Inner i=new Inner();
        A.Inner b = new A().new Inner();
        A   c = new A();
        System.out.println("Hello World!");


  • if we declare a class inside the methods is called as localinnerclass.
  • localinnerclass will not support private ,protected, static keyword
  • localinner class support inheritance and inteface,abstracts..
class A {
    //if we declare inside the methods class is called as localinnerclass.
    void funA() {
        class LocalIn {
    //we cannot create object of localinnerclass out side class main method
            void funIn() {
                System.out.println("inside funIn");

        LocalIn l = new LocalIn();

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        A b = new A();
        System.out.println("Hello World!");
Which is true about a method-local inner class?
A.    It must be marked final.
B.    It can be marked abstract.
C.    It can be marked public.
D.    It can be marked static.
Answer: Option B


Option B is correct because a method-local inner class can be abstract, although it means a subclass of the inner class must be created if the abstract class is to be used (so an abstract method-local inner class is probably not useful).

Option A is incorrect because a method-local inner class does not have to be declared final (although it is legal to do so).

C and D are incorrect because a method-local inner class cannot be made public (remember-you cannot mark any local variables as public), or static.
public class MyOuter
    public static class MyInner
        public static void foo() { }
which statement, if placed in a class other than MyOuter or MyInner, instantiates an instance of the nested class?
A.    MyOuter.MyInner m = new MyOuter.MyInner();
B.    MyOuter.MyInner mi = new MyInner();
MyOuter m = new MyOuter();
MyOuter.MyInner mi = m.new MyOuter.MyInner();
D.    MyInner mi = new MyOuter.MyInner();
Answer: Option A


MyInner is a static nested class, so it must be instantiated using the fully-scoped name of MyOuter.MyInner.

Option B is incorrect because it doesn't use the enclosing name in the new.

Option C is incorrect because it uses incorrect syntax. When you instantiate a nested class by invoking new on an instance of the enclosing class, you do not use the enclosing name. The difference between Option A and C is that Option C is calling new on an instance of the enclosing class rather than just new by itself.

Option D is incorrect because it doesn't use the enclosing class name in the variable declaration.

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