k Sum II

32% Accepted

Given n unique integers, number k (1<=k<=n)  and target.
Find all possible k integers where their sum is target.

Have you met this question in a real interview? Yes
Given [1,2,3,4], k=2, target=5, [1,4] and [2,3] are possible solutions.

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  • LintCode Copyright
  • Depth First Search


  • k sum I的变形题,但是简单很多,就是DFS,K sum也可以用DFS但是要超时
  • 标准DFS
public class Solution {
     * @param A: an integer array.
     * @param k: a positive integer (k <= length(A))
     * @param target: a integer
     * @return a list of lists of integer
    public ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> kSumII(int A[], int k, int target) {
        // write your code here
        ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> result = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();
        ArrayList<Integer> combination = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        dfs(A, result, combination, target, k, 0, 0);
        return result;


    public void dfs(int[] A, ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> result, ArrayList<Integer> combination, int target, int k, int pos, int sum) {
        if (combination.size() == k && sum == target) {
            result.add(new ArrayList<Integer>(combination));
        } else if (combination.size() > k || sum > target) {

        for (int i = pos; i < A.length; i++) {
            sum += A[i];
            dfs(A, result, combination, target, k, i + 1 , sum);
            sum -= A[i];
            combination.remove(combination.size() - 1);


public class Solution {
     * @param A: an integer array.
     * @param k: a positive integer (k <= length(A))
     * @param target: a integer
     * @return a list of lists of integer
    public ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> kSumII(int[] A, int k, int target) {
        // write your code here
        if (A == null) {
            return new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();
        ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> result = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();
        ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        dfs(result, list, A, k, target, 0, 0);
        return result;

    public void dfs(ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> result, ArrayList<Integer> list, int[] A, int k, int target, int pos, int sum) {
        if (k == 0 && sum == target && !result.contains(list)) {
            result.add(new ArrayList<Integer>(list));
        if (sum > target || k < 0) {

        for (int i = pos; i < A.length; i++) {
            sum = sum + A[i];
            dfs(result, list, A, k, target, i+1, sum);
            list.remove(list.size() - 1);
            sum = sum - A[i];

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