Mini Yelp

Design a simple yelp system. Support the following features:

Add a restaurant with name and location.
Remove a restaurant with id.
Search the nearby restaurants by given location.
A location is represented by latitude and longitude, both in double. A Location class is given in code.

Nearby is defined by distance smaller than k Km .

Restaurant class is already provided and you can directly call Restaurant.create() to create a new object.
Also, a Helper class is provided to calculate the distance between two location, use Helper.get_distance(location1, location2).

A GeoHash class is provided to convert a location to a string. Try GeoHash.encode(location) to convert location to a geohash string and GeoHash.decode(string) to convert a string to location.


addRestauraunt("Lint Cafe", 10.4999999, 11.599999) // return 1
addRestauraunt("Code Cafe", 10.4999999, 11.512109) // return 2
neighbors(10.5, 11.6, 6.7) // return ["Lint Cafe"]
neighbors(10.5, 9.6, 6.7) // return []

// The distance between location(10.5, 11.6) and "Lint Code" is 0.0001099 km
// The distance between location(10.5, 11.6) and "Code Code" is 9.6120978 km
Learn about GeoHash


  • 挺简单的
  • 但是没使用geohash
 * Definition of Location:
 * class Location {
 *     public double latitude, longitude;
 *     public static Location create(double lati, double longi) {
 *         // This will create a new location object
 *     }
 * };
 * Definition of Restaurant
 * class Restaurant {
 *     public int id;
 *     public String name;
 *     public Location location;
 *     public static Restaurant create(String name, Location location) {
 *         // This will create a new restaurant object,
 *         // and auto fill id
 *     }
 * };
 * Definition of Helper
 * class Helper {
 *     public static get_distance(Location location1, Location location2) {
 *         // return distance between location1 and location2.
 *     }
 * };
 * class GeoHash {
 *     public static String encode(Location location) {
 *         // return convert location to a GeoHash string
 *     }
 *     public static Location decode(String hashcode) {
 *          // return convert a GeoHash string to location
 *     }
 * };
public class MiniYelp {

    public class Neighbor {
        Restaurant restaurant;
        Double distance;
        public Neighbor(Restaurant restaurant,  Double distance) {
   = restaurant;
            this.distance = distance;

    Map<Integer,Restaurant> restaurantMap;
    int restaurant_id;
    public MiniYelp() {
        // initialize your data structure here.
        restaurantMap = new HashMap<Integer,Restaurant>();
        restaurant_id = 1;

    // @param name a string
    // @param location a Location
    // @return an integer, restaurant's id
    public int addRestaurant(String name, Location location) {
        // Write your code here
        Restaurant new_restaurant = Restaurant.create(name, location);
        restaurantMap.put(restaurant_id, new_restaurant);

        return restaurant_id++;

    // @param restaurant_id an integer
    public void removeRestaurant(int restaurant_id) {
        // Write your code here
        if (restaurantMap.containsKey(restaurant_id)) {

    // @param location a Location
    // @param k an integer, distance smaller than k miles
    // @return a list of restaurant's name and sort by
    // distance from near to far.
    public List<String> neighbors(Location location, double k) {
        // Write your code here

        List<String> restaurant_list = new ArrayList<String>();
        String current_geoHash = GeoHash.encode(location);

        PriorityQueue<Neighbor> neighbor_heap = new PriorityQueue<Neighbor>(10, new Comparator<Neighbor>(){
            public int compare(Neighbor n1, Neighbor n2) {
                return n1.distance < n2.distance ? -1 : 1;

        for (Map.Entry<Integer, Restaurant> entry : restaurantMap.entrySet()) {
            Integer id = entry.getKey();
            Restaurant restaurant = entry.getValue();
            //String restaurant_geoHash = GeoHash.encode(restaurant.location);
            double distance = Helper.get_distance(location, restaurant.location);
            if (distance <= k) {
                neighbor_heap.offer(new Neighbor(restaurant, distance));

        while (!neighbor_heap.isEmpty()) {
            Neighbor neighbor = neighbor_heap.poll();

        return restaurant_list;


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