Geohash is a hash function that convert a location coordinate pair into a base32 string.
Check how to generate geohash on wiki: Geohash or just google it for more details.
You task is converting a (latitude, longitude) pair into a geohash string.
Given lat = 39.92816697, lng = 116.38954991 and precision = 12 which indicate how long the hash string should be. You should return wx4g0s8q3jf9.
The precision is between 1 ~ 12.
- 读懂上图
- 利用二分法,一步步找范围,如果经度<0一定在左边,纬度<0一定在下边,每次分成四个块
- 所以对于我们geohash32块,要进行找5次四个块,才能精确确定到32块中的一个
- 经度是纬度的两倍,先从经度走,然后范围/2
public class GeoHash {
String base32 = "0123456789bcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz";
double lonMax = 180;
double lonMin = -180;
double latMax = 90;
double latMin = -90;
* @param latitude: one of a location coordinate pair
* @param longitude: one of a location coordinate pair
* @param precision: an integer between 1 to 12
* @return: a base32 string
public String encode(double latitude, double longitude, int precision) {
// write your code here
if (latitude > latMax || latitude < latMin || longitude > lonMax || longitude < lonMin) {
return new String("Error");
if (precision > 12 || precision < 1) {
return new String("Error");
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
int divideTimes = 0;
int index = 0;
boolean divideLon = true;
while (result.length() < precision) {
if (divideLon) {
double lonMid = (lonMax + lonMin) / 2;
if (longitude <= lonMid) {
index = index * 2;
lonMax = lonMid;
} else {
index = index * 2 + 1;
lonMin = lonMid;
} else {
double latMid = (latMax + latMin) / 2;
if (latitude <= latMid) {
index = index * 2;
latMax = latMid;
} else {
index = index * 2 + 1;
latMin = latMid;
divideLon = !divideLon;
if (++divideTimes == 5) {
index = 0;
divideTimes = 0;
//divideLon = true;
return result.toString();